Gears of war 4 catapult
Gears of war 4 catapult

The Eleague represents many great opportunities for Gears and a chance for the franchise to achieve more. Gears of War Ultimate Edition would be welcomed back to the MLG circuit, Gears of War 4 would have two seasons on the MLG circuit, and now the biggest news of all, Gears 5 will be featured on TBS due to a partnership with Eleague. That is until Rod Fergusson and The Coalition Studios gave Gears fans a reason to jump for joy.

gears of war 4 catapult

Being dropped from the MLG circuit and holding Hypefestation tournaments in hotel ballrooms became the harsh reality of Gears of War. Yet, through all the popularity the game also faced adversity. It is used as a catapult to launch flaming balls of ammo at enemies by. Boasting a continually-high player base, Major League Gaming circuits, and recognizable pro players helped Gears become a household name for years to come. Its a bit surprising that they werent included in Gears of War 4 as Elite. That series was Gears of War, and the multiplayer took the Xbox Live community by storm.

gears of war 4 catapult

In 2006 a new series was released that helped catapult the Xbox 360 into industry stardom.

Gears of war 4 catapult